VDRV7 – VDV7 06 – 08
Throttle Valves VDV7 and Throttle Valves with integral Check Valves VDRV7 are for various applications requiring flow regulation without pressure compensation. In a circuit where the line pressure is almost steady and small function of oil flow due to pressure changes is permitted, the usage of this valve is ideally recommended. The integrated check valve allows reversed free flow from outlet port to inlet port. These valves are not intended for use as shut-off valves. For accurate control, pressure and temperature compensation is essential and for the same usage of Flow Control Valve Series V2F1C is ideal. Contact for further information.
VITC 03 — VIC 06 — VIC 10
Inline Throttle valves are available in three basic sizes headed type available for maximum pressure up to 4500 psi (315 bar) and maximum flow up to 105 gpm (400 lpm). 03 (3/8”), 06 (3/4”), 10 (1 1/4”) and in two configurations -- Inline Throttle (VIT) as well as Inline Throttle with reverse free flow Check valve (VITC). The sizes can be extended with the help of fittings according to the dimensional table. These valves are suitable for mounting in line with piping. Series VIT and VITC valves are of poppet design and superior - both in design and function even at high flow conditions. These are threaded type available for maximum pressure up to 4500 psi (315 bar) and maximum flow up to 105 gpm (400 lpm).
VR4R 03 / 06 / 10 Series
Veljan Pressure Reducer Valve Series VR4R are pilot operated controls used to control pressure in a secondary part of a hydraulic circuit. Pressure is maintained as set by control knob on the pilot or by an external pilot source. In some application, VR4R is used to maintain a lower pressure in the secondary circuit to limit the force available from certain actuators. VR4R consists of a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow, adjustable pilot section mounted on top. Pressure setting is achieved by means of a knurled knob. For tamper proof setting, acorn nut with lead seal is available as an option. Optional vent valve VVVO1 sandwiched between pilot section and main body can be used for venting the VR4R valves. Extremely accurate settings can be obtained due to the precise construction of control components. The design of poppet allows for the minimum of friction and hysteresis giving a sensitive response to conditional changes.
VR4S 03 / 06 / 10 Series
Veljan Sequence Valve Series VR4S are pilot operated controls and enable a hydraulic system to operate in a sequence. Fluid is allowed to pass to a secondary system ( Port B ) after the primary system ( Port A ) pressure reaches the preadjusted value set at pilot spring. VR4S consists of a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow, adjustable pilot section mounted on top. Pressure setting is altered by means of a knurled knob. For tamper proof setting , acorn nut with lead seal is available as option. Optional vent valve VVV01 sandwiched between the pilot section and the main body can be used for venting the VR4S valves. Pilot drain can be taken out externally from a pilot head or from a subplate. Exceptionally fast response is obtained due to the precise ratio between the main piston area and its mass. The unique design features of pilot allows for accurate and stable secondary pressure controls. Precise adjustment and quick response eliminate pressure variation and system shocks.
VR4U 03 / 06 / 10 Series
Veljan Unloading Valves series VR4U are pilot operated controls and used to unload a circuit at low pressure when pilot pressure at port X is maintained higher than that of inlet pressure at port A set by the pilot spring. A typical use of an unloader valve is to unload the low pressure side of a double pump. A Pump connected to an Accumulator circuit can also be unloaded by the VR4U valve. VR4U consists of a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow, adjustable pilot section mounted on top. Pressure setting is achieved by means of knurled knob. For tamper proof setting, acorn nut with lead seal is available as option. Optional vent valve VVV01 sandwiched between pilot section and main body can be used for venting the VR4U valves. Exceptionally fast response is obtained due to the precise ratio between the main piston area and its mass. One of the unique features of VR4U is that it works as a relief valve at the set pressure even in the absence of external pilot signal.
VR4V 03 / 06 / 10 Series
The Veljan Pressure Relief Valve series VR4V are pilot operated and work on the principle of hydraulic balancing. These valves are used to limit the system pressure in a hydraulic system and protect the system against pressure overload. Accurate pressure control even under wide flow variations are achieved by these valves. The valves may also be used to generate a pressure drop in a hydraulic circuit. VR4V consist of a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow, adjustable pilot section mounted on top. Pressure setting is achieved by means of knurled knob. For tamper proof setting, an acorn nut with lead seal is available as option. Optional vent valve VVV01 sandwiched between pilot section and the main body can be used for venting the VR4V valves. Exceptionally fast response is obtained due to the precise ratio between the main piston area and its mass. High pressure stability is an outstanding feature of VR4V valves.
VR5P 06 / 08 /10 Series
Veljan 3 - ports pressure compensator Valve Series VR5P are designed for improved operation safety and reduced mounting cost. These valves are used to maintain a constant pressure drop across a metering orifice (flow control valve or throttle valve) irrespective of actuator load variation in a hydraulic system and thus maintain a constant and stable flow to the actuator. The pilot stage of VR5P valves are designed to reduce pressure overshoot and minimise cracking flow, thus reducing power and speed reduction loss during high pressure operation. When fitted across a metering orifice with its pilot taken from outlet of a metering orifice, VR5P acts as a load sensor and relieves metering orifice inlet at load created pressure which is lower than the system setting pressure at VR5P. This enables the system to consume less power and be more efficient.
VR5U 06 / 08 / 10 / 12 Series
Veljan Flanged type, Valves Series VR5V ( Relief ), VR5U (Unloader) and VR5S (Sequence ) are pilot controls. These range of valves are suitable for mounting directly on a SAE Pump outlet flange, ensuring maximum pump protection against peak pressure and eliminating costly piping. The pilot stage of VR5 valves are designed to reduce pressure overshoot and minimise cracking flow, thus reducing power and production losses during high pressure operation . VR5 valves consist of a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow, adjustable pilot section mounted on top. Pressure setting is achieved by means of a knurled knob. For tamper proof setting, acorn nut with lead seal is available as option. Optional Vent Valve VVV01 sandwiched between pilot section and main body can be used for venting the VR5 valves. Exceptionally fast response is obtained due to precise ratio between main piston area and its mass. High accuracy and quiet, flutter free control are the important characteristics of VR5 valves.
VR5U 06 / 08 / 10 / 12 Series
Veljan Flanged type, Valves Series VR5V ( Relief ), VR5U (Unloader) and VR5S (Sequence ) are pilot controls. These range of valves are suitable for mounting directly on a SAE Pump outlet flange, ensuring maximum pump protection against peak pressure and eliminating costly piping. The pilot stage of VR5 valves are designed to reduce pressure overshoot and minimise cracking flow, thus reducing power and production losses during high pressure operation . VR5 valves consist of a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow, adjustable pilot section mounted on top. Pressure setting is achieved by means of a knurled knob. For tamper proof setting, acorn nut with lead seal is available as option. Optional Vent Valve VVV01 sandwiched between pilot section and main body can be used for venting the VR5 valves. Exceptionally fast response is obtained due to precise ratio between main piston area and its mass. High accuracy and quiet, flutter free control are the important characteristics of VR5 valves.
VRIE02 Series
Direct operated pressure relief valve designed to control system pressure remotely. Pilot operated pressure control valves series VR4* & VR5* consist of two valve sections: a high flow poppet type seat valve section controlled by the low flow and adjustable pilot section mounted on top. VR4* series are offered for various mounting options, subplate or pipe mounted, or as cartridge assemblies for manifold applications. VR5* series pressure control valves are flange type suitable for mounting directly on pump delivery port thereby minimising piping and saving space. The internal operating components of flange mounted Pressure Controls (VR5* series) are same as those of VR4* series. Pressure Relief Valves (VR4V/VR5V) offer precise and smooth limitation of the system pressure in a hydraulic system. Pressure Unloading Valves (VR4U/VR5U) are used to unload a circuit at preset low pressure when a pilot signal higher than the preset low pressure from external source is maintained (at Port X). This saves considerable energy.
VVV01 Series
Veljan Vent valve VVV01 are electrically operated 3/2 way devices and are compatible with pilot operated pressure controls and 2-way seat valves. Due to sandwich design, these vent valves can be easily installed into existing valves. No extra components such as subplates, fittings and piping are required. VELJAN VVV01 sandwiched between the power component or main body and the pilot section or cap of the valve it is controlling, directs the pilot oil to the power component to allow its designated function at system pressure, or to the pilot oil return to allow unloading. Two different control spools are available for the functions. These are for ”Power component unloaded in normal position” and “Power component unloaded in switch position”. Solenoids are with manual override and leakproof function. Coils can be changed without interfering with the hydraulic circuit.